The good news of Jesus isn’t just for us, or just for Australia, but for all people (Galatians 3:27-28; Revelation 7:9-12). At Wollondilly Anglican Church, we make it a priority to support and pray for those spreading the gospel and building the church right across the world.

There are a few missionaries we specifically pray for and financially support. All of them have links to our church, and their example encourages us on in our own proclamation of Jesus Christ.

Jono and Emily Mills

Emily grew up attending Wollondilly Anglican Church, and Jono worked for us as Administrator and Kids & Youth worker from 2019-2021. They are now completing Ministry Apprenticeships at the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra with the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students (AFES). While working with the AFES group on campus, Jono and Emily are being trainined in ministry, especially in ministry to international students.

Wayne and Helen Mayhew

Wayne grew up attending Wollondilly Anglican Church, and now, with his wife and children serve with SIM in Ethiopia. Wayne works as a teacher at Bingham Academy, an international school serving missionary kids.

The Mayhews are currently in Australia.